Monday, March 12, 2007

The Weather Channel in Second Life

So, I was a little surprised to see that the Weather Channel is launching a virtual headquarters in Second Life. I can hear the newscast now: "In the northern hemishpere we have, well, no weather. There doesn't seem to be any in the southern hemisphere either. Stan, back to you in the studio." I mean, it is ONLINE. Unless you count spam or a slow dial-up connection as weather, there really isn't much happening atmospherically speaking.

But not to worry -- the Weather Channel isn't going to actually be reporting on the non-existent weather. Rather, they are creating an extreme sports park, where Second Lifers can experience what extreme athletes go through when they take on challenging conditions, such as skiing Mount "Eipc" and mountian-biking the Moab Desert. All of these activities will take place on "Weather Island" and are connected to the channel's new series, "Epic Conditions."

I'm just hoping a can go to Weather Island and experience a little surf, sun, sand and big fruity tropical drinks. Or is that alcoholics island?

Click here to read more about the weather channel effort


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