Friday, September 07, 2007

iPhone Apologist

OK, I admit it. I was one of those "chumps" that bought the new iPhone the day it came out at the original price. I waited in line for a few hours on that fateful day and was fortunate to get the very last phone in the store. That's right. The very last. I grabbed my precious box of technology, ran out the door and didn't look back.

Of course, that night I did look on EBay to see what I could sell it for. I wasn't going to, mind you. No way. But if I had wanted to I could have made about $1,000 over what I had paid. Not bad for a few hours in line.

At any rate, by all accounts I should be irrate by the fact that Apple recently cut the price of the iPhone by $200. I should be moping around, taking to the streets and, perhaps, burning all my Apple products in effigy.

You know what, though? I've looked long and hard through the depths of my soul for a little anger and, well, there isn't any. Sorry. Maybe I'm a sucker (actually, no doubt I am). But frankly I'm glad I was part of the initial excitement! It was worth $200 to be able to tell people "yeah, I stood in line and got the VERY LAST PHONE." It was worth $200 to bask in the techno-envy of all my friends for a few months. And now I get $100 to play with at my local Apple store. Really, it's not that bad.

Anyway, if that makes me a "chump" so be it -- at least I didn't buy it on EBay.


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