Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Games, games, everywhere...

I'll bet you knew that video games are popular. But did you know that over 50% of teenage girls used a console at some point in last few months? And that over 75% of boys aged 12-17 used an in-home video game during the same period?

That's a lot of kids playing video games. But it's not just the kids: adults are jumping on board as well. Almost half of men aged 18 to 34 and over a third of women in the same age group play video games. Perhaps most interesting, video game usage seems to occur in a similar pattern to television -- peaking and ebbing at similar times. So it seems that there might be a fair amount of "unduplicated" reach, i.e., people who are playing video games instead of watching television.

Seems that might have some implications for how marketers reach those folks, yes?

Seems that employers might also want to be prepared for a whole slew of employees who grew up playing video games, not watching television. This has serious implications for how we train, motivate and interact with the gaming generation.

Click here to download Nielsen Media's report "The State of the Console"


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