Friday, October 19, 2007

The Rich Read People Magazine Too

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I am a member of the "business elite" and "affluent." I don't really think of it that way, but according to new research I fall in to both these categories and am, as such, to be courted by businesses selling to the "well-off." (Rolex, here I am -- start marketing away).

The two reports, one from a Paris research firm called Iposos and the other from Monroe Mendelsohn Research define the "business elite" as anyone with a "C-level" title or their senior managers (Iposos) and the affluent as anyone in a household making over $85,000 per year (MMR). Well, I own my own business (Advocacy Associates) and I make a decent living, so I guess I qualify!

The more important finding from these reports, though, is that this group of people uses new media to a surprising degree. Those conducting the research expected, frankly, to find that the middle aged, white guys comprising the bulk of the business elite would have no use for blogs and the Internet. Turns out, they were wrong. In fact, nearly 1/3rd of business elite read a blog at least once a month, and almost 25% dowloaded a podcast.

But have no fear that we're getting too big for a britches in the "business elite" and "affluent" crowd. According to the report, our favorite magazines are People, National Geographic and Sports Illustrated. You'd think it would be Fortune or the Economist, but, well, that's just what we tell everyone else.

See you around the country club!


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