Monday, April 02, 2007

My Dream Is To...

If you can fill in the rest of that sentence, you NEED to go to Sponsored, oddly enough, by Lincoln (the automaker, not the 16th president) the site brings together people with shared visions to motivate and help each other. I clicked on the "retire by 50" link and was heartened to find that, gee, I'm not the only one!

Oh, and, incidentally, you can buy books related to your dream through, just by clicking on the nearby link. Or, you can learn more about the Lincoln Navigator (just in case your dream is to own that car).

Not only is this site clearly in the engagism mold, it's downright nefarious (in a good way). The developers have figured out the ultimate means of pulling people in based on what's important to them -- and then letting them dream.

I have to go fill up my dream queue now -- I wonder what will come up next?


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